The Alento River and its Oasis, a Cilentan heritage
From the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea to the Cilento inland, following the route of the Alento river and its tributaries, the territory of the Oasis Alento River extends for 3,024 hectares, located in the province of Salerno, partly within the National Park of Cilento and Vallo di Diano and partly at the borders of the same. The entire course of the river Alento and its main tributaries constitute a vast SIC area. The Oasis is characterized by a rich floral and faunistic heritage. The River Alento, which has its source, mouth and some stretches of its course in the National Park of Cilento and Vallo di Diano, crosses a territory where the slopes of the reliefs are characterized by the presence of the typical Mediterranean scrub, interspersed with olive groves, orchards and vineyards. The river course, instead, is surrounded by the tunnel forest, interspersed with wetlands covered by the typical vegetation dominated by the reedbeds. An important human creation created in this area is the Alento Dam. Downstream of the dam, a path that runs along the river has been built by the Velia Consortium (Consortium for the Reclamation of the Alento Basin). Along the trail there are ponds and ponds made to allow the birds to stop and nest, the settlement of animal species linked to wetlands, such as amphibians, reptiles, fish, etc. The pools of water have different depths, precisely to accommodate species with different ecological needs. You go from ponds with a depth of a few centimeters, in which we find herons and other aldehydes, surface ducks, and the waders, to the pond with a depth of 1.5 meters where they stop, coots and ducks of depth. The first lake we meet is “Fiumicello”, surrounded by willows, on which aldehydes communities nest and sleep. A path allows you to travel the entire perimeter. Here they stop the coots, the deep diver ducks, the kingfisher. The other wetlands called Cifari, Selva, Isca della Chianca, Vallone Ponte Rosso, Isca Landi and Tortorella are shallow pools of water, mostly covered by reed beds consisting mainly of Typha latifiolia and sedges. In these ponds the hen of water, the waders and amphibians nests. The entire route in which the wetlands are present is over 4 km long and represents a possibility for an excursion that will always be full of discoveries and interesting and different encounters in every season of the year. The Oasis is also characterized by the presence of a very rich fauna by number of species (included in Annexes II and IV of the Habitats Directive, issued by the European Community in 1992); some animals, even, are special and protected in terms of risk of extinction, such as the otter, difficult to sight, as the gray herons and the partridges with colorful plumage.
sources: go to the website