Il Cilento

The Mother Church of Saints Peter and Paul

Mother Church of Saints Peter and Paul: it is of ancient origins: in 593 a letter of Pope Gregory the Great documents the presence of the presbyter Pestanus in the village and connects to the tradition of the landing of San Paolo in an agropolese locality and to S. Peter, fisherman like many of the inhabitants of the ancient village.

In the last twenty years of the sixteenth century the church is visited by bishops or their representatives, who observe the high altar (rebuilt in 1714 and in 1875, with canvas representing St. Anthony between St. Bartholomew and St. Gaetano di Tiene); in addition, the altars dedicated to the Saints Peter and Paul (from 1742), the Crucifix (from 1905), the Holy Conception (from 1698, from 1875: the Troise family), to the Madonna dell’Arco (1875: old family, canvas with Madonna between S. Francesco di Paola and S. Carlo Borromeo), in the Rosary (1742, with brotherhood and canvas with Mysteries, 1771, with door on the street; 1875: three statues in niches with Madonna del Rosario between S. Lucia and S. Rose and, moreover, antique table of the Virgin of the piety), to S. Giuseppe (1742, 1771, together with S. Gennaro, fam Storti; 1875: family Rosa, canvas with the Virgin between S. Giuseppe and S. Gennaro), in S. Antonio di Padova (from 1583: altar, 1698: altar, 1875: formerly of the Magnoni and Del Baglivo families), in Sant’Antonio Abate (from 1612, 1875: burial of the Rotolo family, table with S. Antonio Abbot and small canvas with Santissima Trinità). The building, which has three bells, three doors including the main one, needed recent and long restorations. With a single nave, it has the choir, the pulpit and the confessionals.

sources: go to the website