Municipal Antiquarium of Agropoli, testimony of history
The Antiquarium Comunale di Agropoli, recently inaugurated and located inside Palazzo Coppola, hosts the oldest testimonies of the history of the settlement. The archaeological finds on display were collected thanks to donations from private individuals and to the activity of the “Gruppo Archeologico Agropoli” under the patronage of the Superintendence for the Archaeological Heritage of Salerno, and the École Francaise de Rome, which carried out excavation campaigns at the inside the castle, in S. Marco di Agropoli, Vigna Grande and Torre S. Marco, Sauco, near Punta Tresino. The exhibits, through which the whole history of the town is traced, covers a rather wide chronological period, from the Protostoria to the Middle Ages. Among the most significant pieces on display are numerous amphorae recovered at sea and dated between the seventh and fourth centuries. BC, stone and lead anchors from the Greek and Roman periods, a carved marble sarcophagus with a Dionysian scene and a Christian epigraph.
sources: go to the site